Melisa M. Hamling



  • I don’t want to hear it. Go back to Sammy and get your platter of gonorrhea with a heaping side order of chlamydia. It’s free. Please leave.
  • Morning breath here. ‘A dirty mouth you say,’ clean it up with Orbit.” Maya chuckled. “Unless you have gum, I’m not letting you near me.” She reached for a pillow and plopped it over her face. “Ha-ha! Good one. No gum on me, but I’ll settle for kissing your belly.” Alex whisked her pajama top up and knelt down to kiss the roundest part of her tummy.
  • Alex chuckled and whispered in her ear. “I’m feeling huge . . . I mean I have this huge desire . . . Crap, you feel good tonight. And you smell so good.
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