Megyn Kelly



  • But if something that was good morphs into something that's not good - and is not changing back - one has to stay conscious of that too. Settling for more is not an endgame - it's an active process. It means staying aware of one's surroundings, because "more" is a fluid concept. Life changes, and requires that we change too.
  • I love my job and the excitement and challenges it offers. But my job does not define me. If this job ended tomorrow I'd find another way to find that glorious feeling of accomplishment. No employer or career choice "made" me. I made me...
  • ...the Cupcake Nation mentality - "Everyone's a winner!" - is so dangerous. When we try to protect the young from any vaguely uncomfortable ideas or encounters, we do them a grave disservice. Being tested by different viewpoints in my life, being sometimes offended or occasionally hurt, or even targeted, is a big part of what prepared me for the challenged I've faced in my career..,
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