The Snails
The Captive
Sharp Guns
Valentino y el clan del can
The Baseballs: Strings 'n' Stripes Live
Pascali's Island
Clara, no es nombre de mujer
Entre esquelas
Paris By Night 105: The Lovers
Dead Man's Burden
A Dog, A Mouse and a Sputnik
The Man Without a Body
Island of Lost Women
Midnight Eagle
Bravo Two Zero
I'm Santana: The Movie
Elephant Sighs
Missile Monsters
How to Make a Monster
Half Human: The Story of the Abominable Snowman
The Legend of La Llorona
A Journey Through Fairyland
One Piece: Defeat the Pirate Ganzack!
Moors and Christians
A Hole of My Own Making
The National Shotgun
You Love Me Too
Twilight Saloon
Rock and the Money-Hungry Party Girls
Gimme the Power