Three Sappy People
Cool Kids Don't Cry
Calling All Curs
Saved by the Belle
Yes, We Have No Bonanza
We Want Our Mummy
Flat Foot Stooges
Mutts to You
Three Missing Links
Violent Is the Word for Curly
Healthy, Wealthy and Dumb
Tassels in the Air
Termites of 1938
The Sitter Downers
Turn of the Screw
Necrophagia - Nightmare Scenarios
Playing the Ponies
3 Dumb Clucks
Mule Skinner Blues
The Minister's Wife
Afraid to Go Out at Night
Confessions of a Congressman
The Life and Death of 9413, a Hollywood Extra
The Creature
La otra alcoba
Der inszenierte Hunger
Easy. Vegan: The Film about Veganism
White Goddess