Frankenstein's Grandson Moses - Version Changes
Anyone Can Play
The Great Swindle
High Voltage
Scenes from the Sex Struggles at North Beverly Drive, Los Angeles, CA (Remix)
Heißes Blut oder Vivienne del Vargos' letzter Vorhang
Lücken im Gedankenstrom
Rich and Scary: Independent Soap Movie Experience
And Along Come Tourists
The Yes Men
Video Kings
Frankenstein Reborn: Behind the Scenes
Frankenstein Reborn!
Frankenstein & the Werewolf Reborn!
The Making of Frankenstein vs. the Creature from Blood Cove
Frankenstein: Italian Style
Frankenstein, the Vampire and Company
Dr. Frankenstein on Campus
Atomic Samurai
Edison's Frankenstein
Mildred Pierce
Frankenstein '80
Frankenstein: A Cinematic Scrapbook
Pirates of Silicon Valley
Tulse Luper
Good Night, and Good Luck.
Lust for Frankenstein
Frankenstein: The College Years
It's Alive: The True Story of Frankenstein
Island - Insel im Norden
Mistress Frankenstein