Emmanuelle's Revenge
The Fan, the Referee and the Footballer
Karsten + Petra
How Colonel Buttiglione Became a General
The Repeating Student Winked at Dean
The Protector
La moglie in bianco... l'amante al pepe
Gråtass - Sommerteater
The Bad Seeds
Creep Van
Queremos un hijo tuyo
El último truco
Kenya Boy
A Summer in La Goulette
Snowman's Pass
The Seventh Page
You and I Are Three
Mere Mehboob
Dio li fa poi li accoppia
The Hot, the Cool and the Vicious
How Long Is the Adventure
Asli Naqli
Nunca es demasiado tarde
Lady with a Past
Shouting Fire: Stories from the Edge of Free Speech
Eastern Rises
The Little Train Robbery
Aan Milo Sajna
Vanina Vanini